.. _about-why-waffle: =========== Why Waffle? =========== `Feature flags`_ are a critical tool for continuously integrating and deploying applications. Waffle is one of `several options`_ for managing feature flags in Django applications. Waffle :ref:`aims to ` - provide a simple, intuitive API everywhere in your application; - cover common use cases with batteries-included; - be simple to install and manage; - be fast and robust enough to use in production; and - minimize dependencies and complexity. Waffle has an `active community`_ and gets `fairly steady updates`_. vs Gargoyle =========== The other major, active feature flag tool for Django is Disqus's Gargoyle_. Both support similar features, though Gargoyle offers more options for building custom segments in exchange for some more complexity and requirements. Waffle in Production ==================== Despite its pre-1.0 version number, Waffle has been used in production for years at places like Mozilla, Yipit and TodaysMeet. - Mozilla (Support, MDN, Addons, etc) - TodaysMeet - Yipit (If you're using Waffle in production and don't mind being included here, let me know or add yourself in a pull request!) .. _Feature flags: http://code.flickr.net/2009/12/02/flipping-out/ .. _several options: https://www.djangopackages.com/grids/g/feature-flip/ .. _active community: https://github.com/jsocol/django-waffle/graphs/contributors .. _fairly steady updates: https://github.com/jsocol/django-waffle/pulse/monthly .. _Gargoyle: https://github.com/disqus/gargoyle